Kate : No-knead Bread

Recently everything I have been cooking has been a disaster so I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best with the bread. In true, present, Kate style I left out a key ingredient...salt. I didnt realise how key it was until I tasted the bread. It rose well, it had a fabulous crust and soft inside but tasted like, well, baked flour and water. A good lesson for me in the inhancing qualities of salt.
But the process was simple and made the kitchen smell unbelievable, it was worth doing for that alone.
I will definaltely bake the bread again, this time with salt and a little more concentration as Ive come to the conclusion thats my problem: too many little jobs going on ( and little people around) at the some time. So I need to choose my moments better.
I will post a new recipe for us over the next few days