Pizza Time
Thanks for all the wonderful pizza suggestions Julie and Elaine! Everything was a huge hit and we had so much fun making the pizzas with the kids. We made four (2 on the pizza stone on the grill and 2 on the crisper in the oven). The caramelized onions, crumbled bacon, ricotta and sage was a tremendous hit! As was the one with heirloom tomatoes (which I roasted and sundried for a few hours before putting on the pizza), burrata and mozerella and basil. For our vegetable pizza I found inspiration on Julie's favorite cooking site (Smitten Kitchen) where she had a beautiful photo of a pizza with sliced squash that looked like the ratatouille from said movie. I used squash, bell peppers, artichokes, and ricotta cheese cut with lemon, and sprinkled the top with some truffle oil. For pizza dough and pizza sauce, I picked it up fresh from a wonderful local Italian restaurant right in Old Town. I love how the dough had been made that morning and had just perfectly risen before we made our pizzas. I also made an arugula salad with green beans, potatoes, lemon juice, parmesean cheese and walnuts. Thanks for the inspiration guys -- I think we'll be making many pizzas in our future! I love how easy, fun and delicious it is.