Jer: French Macaroons

I’ve never really fancied myself as much of a girl’s girl. I didn’t play with dolls. In fact, I think I might have hated them. I’ve never really liked the color pink. In college, I hung out with Julie, and a group of five or so guys. In
Maybe it was the mere act of piping (I mean really, can you picture a guy piping delicate macaroons onto parchment paper). Or the three bowls I had splayed out, each hosting vanilla buttercream in shades of lime green, tangerine orange, and yes, even a bright rosy pink (colors more likely to be seen in a Lily store than anywhere else). Or maybe it was because I had a frilly a-line skirt on with a bright white apron tied June Cleaver style around my waist. Whatever it was, I felt like a girl’s girl when preparing these Easter treats, so girly that I packaged the cookies in plastic bags and tied them neatly with a bright pink bow. Perhaps most surprisingly, I enjoyed my girly self very much, so thank you dear Elaine for the impetus. Also, with all the food coloring spread on the table, I really felt like it was days before Easter, and it’s been a while since I actually “felt” a holiday.
I used a very simple, four ingredient macaroon recipe (almond meal, powdered sugar, unsweetened cocoa powder, egg whites) and an even more simple, four ingredient buttercream recipe (butter, powdered sugar, milk, vanilla). The process was easy and fun and brought out a side of me that I don’t get to see that often.
Part Deux: Ashley's Coconut Macaroons with Lemon Curd
The smell in our kitchen while toasting and grinding the coconut was absolutely out of this world. I think I am going to do another batch of the toasted coconut, grind it to a powder, and use it like panko for some lightly battered fish. I think that flavor will be unique and delicious. I've made coconut crusted shrimp and fish before using coconut flakes, but I think the toasting and grinding brings out an additional layer of flavor that is really special. I'm thinking a good meaty white fish lightly dipped in an egg wash and the rolled around in the toasted, ground coconut then friend until golden brown. And then maybe top with a mango relish/chutney and served with a fragrant jasmine rice. Will let you know how it turns out!
These are adorable. And I love how simple they sound!
these look great Jer, what a piece of styling too.
Definitely a professional blogger's foto-o-food! Extremely impressed with everyone's macaroon photos. Love the vibrant buttercream colors. Can't wait to see whats to come.
All the talk earlier in the week about photography was inspiring!
I was going to make Ashley's lemon and coconut macaroons to bring to a party tomorrow (Sunday). Are they better if made the day of or do they do better after a night in the fridge? The macaroons I made were much better after a few days in the fridge... Thanks!
I didn't notice a substantial difference. As long as the lemon curd has a chance to set up a little they should be fine.
Your coconut fish/chutney/jasmine rice combo sounds terrific! Let us know how that goes...
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