Taiwanese Beef Stew
Hi everyone...sorry for the long silence! March has been a crazy month for us. Rob and I were lucky enough to have the Darers visit us in Austin this past weekend and as usual we cooked up a storm! Wanted to post pics from this one dinner that Elaine thought up. So, so good and apparently Mike's favorite...

As you can see from this pic, the base flavors are star anise, ginger, garlic and dried red chilies. Along with scallions which somehow didn't make it into the pic! I think we had about a pound of cubed beef. We browned the beef in a little oil and then threw in those ingredients along with 5 or 6 tablespoons of bean sauce (we used "Koon Chun" brand), 2 teaspoons of hot pepper sauce, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of Shao Hsing rice wine and about 1/4 cup of soy sauce. Then we added enough water to cover everything, clamped the lid on and let the pressure cooker go to town on the second ring for about half an hour. (This was at my insistence...Elaine's done it in a regular pot before--obviously it just takes longer to get the beef tender). When it was done she spooned it over some noodles and garnished with scallions and some sautéed lettuce. She is going to have to tell us how she did that but I think it was pretty simple...just regular lettuce sautéed in a little oil and more Shao Hsing. Elaine, am I forgetting anything?! Anyway, quite a treat...

As you can see from this pic, the base flavors are star anise, ginger, garlic and dried red chilies. Along with scallions which somehow didn't make it into the pic! I think we had about a pound of cubed beef. We browned the beef in a little oil and then threw in those ingredients along with 5 or 6 tablespoons of bean sauce (we used "Koon Chun" brand), 2 teaspoons of hot pepper sauce, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of Shao Hsing rice wine and about 1/4 cup of soy sauce. Then we added enough water to cover everything, clamped the lid on and let the pressure cooker go to town on the second ring for about half an hour. (This was at my insistence...Elaine's done it in a regular pot before--obviously it just takes longer to get the beef tender). When it was done she spooned it over some noodles and garnished with scallions and some sautéed lettuce. She is going to have to tell us how she did that but I think it was pretty simple...just regular lettuce sautéed in a little oil and more Shao Hsing. Elaine, am I forgetting anything?! Anyway, quite a treat...

I feel like can taste this girls. it looks and sounds great.
Thanks for a wonderful share. Your article has proved your hard work and experience you have got in this field. Brilliant .i love it reading.
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