Chicken with Butternut Squash

Hi all, made something on the fly tonight that Pete gobbled up (which is always my test for when something is real yummy)! I hope to make the Lybian Stew tomorrow (Sunday) night for dinner. Elaine, Nelson is coming over so I'll make it for him and Pietro. Am I behind just one recipe or two???
There was a bag of precut butternut squash in the fresh section at Trader Joes. $1.99. So cheap!! Had to buy and make something with it.
Oven to 350. Dry chicken breasts with paper towel and season with s/p. Brown a minute or so each side in a pan that can transfer to oven and then remove chicken from pan. Add thin sliced onions and cook a bit. Add chunks of butternut squash. Season. Add some white wine, defrond and reduce a bit. Return chicken to pan and put in oven. Up to this point took 5 minutes since the squash was already cut. Thanks Jose! I had it in oven covered for about 10 minutes then uncovered for about 15 minutes while we watched a silly but cute movie on TV about teenaged super heroes. Snipped a few herbs
from my new little herb garden outside that sits in the shade of my meyer lemon tree. Gave those a chop and added to the pan with a splash (just a splash) of crème. Let is sit in the oven for another 10 maybe 15 minutes or so and went back to movie. Took out when the squash was really quite soft and carmelized and lovely. Gave it a few mixes right there in the pot and served with freshly ground pepper. Pete could not get enough. Next time I might throw in some fresh English or fava beans ... which believe it or not I'm starting to see in the green markets here. Peas and strawberries.
Always the sign of spring!
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